Mobile CCTV Solutions are  working with a utility supplier that has reported break-ins occurring in their sites and copper being stolen.

As well as the huge cost to the company associated with replacing the copper the live plants are extremely dangerous and pose risk to intruders.  

To overcome this ongoing issue of break in and theft, we are building 2 new CCTV trailers that will easily integrate with our client’s existing security system allowing the trailers to quickly be dispatched and respond to hot spots.  Not only do the trailers act as a physical deterrent, they will assist with identifying offenders and to cease the theft.  

Mobile CCTV trailers can be easily moved with any towable vehicle and are set up in minutes.  Our trailers have easily operated cameras for you to view and drive from your phone or office.   

Contact us for a quick online remote demonstration so we can show you the trailers live in action and how they can help your site.

This month we have trailers available for immediate deployment for either short or long term hire starting at 1 day.

Contact us today for same week delivery. 

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